And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.
Khalil Gibran

Thursday, 11 August 2011

She's Back!!!

Yesterday I took a break from, well, just about everything. My daughter has been gone for about a month between this and that and the other thing and we were able to pick her up for a large portion of the day yesterday. Yay!

This photo is actually from Canada Day, but I love how she looks with her brother here. The cowboy hat makes my inner redneck happy, and using the mini flags as hairsticks was just so cute.

I have discovered a problem with having fantastic kids, everyone else wants to spend time with them too! The beginning of the summer included trying to sort out her schedule. My brother and his wife wanted to bring her on a family trip, family friends (our girls were born three months apart) wanted to take her to camp with them, we want to see her, of course, her dad and his girlfriend need time with her, she has circus camp next week, and tickets to Taylor Swift...

I was in serious withdrawal. She'll be with us next week for day camp, because it's easier for us to take her to and from camp (yay for part time hours and working at home). I needed to see her before that though. So did her brother if the way he flung himself at her for hugs is any indication. We didn't do really do anything special, though we did go out for breakfast. I took the kids to the park and watched them build sandcastles. We took out the juicer and the blender and made fruit smoothies. All in all, an awesome day.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the sweet comment over at love notes.
    don't forget to join in on the giveaway!
    {love} lauryn @
